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Keratopigmentation -  Change eye color

IIt is now possible to change the color of your eyes safely, thanks to advances in technology.


Keratopigmentation is an aesthetic corneal pigmentation technique that covers the iris, thus transforming the color of your eyes.


Keratopigmentation is primarily used to treat various pathological abnormalities of the iris or cornea. These can be caused by physical or surgical trauma, congenital malformations, infectious consequences, or even damage caused by colored iris implants.


Keratopigmentation for therapeutic purposes is intended for patients with different pathologies such as a scarred or bleached cornea (following a transplant, trauma or infection), an iris coloboma with an abnormally shaped pupil , partial or total aniridia (absence of iris) or albinism aiming to decrease sensitivity to light (photophobia). This technique is also used for a traumatic iris, permanent mydriasis (pupil remaining dilated) or photophobia (sensitivity to light).


Given the quality of the results obtained, this technique can now be applied in aesthetic cases involving healthy corneas.


Change your eye color safely with keratopigmentation and marvel at the aesthetic result! The cornea covering the iris is safely pigmented to produce lighter, darker or simply different eyes.

Procedure of the intervention

Ihe keratopigmentation, performed in Geneva under local anesthesia, takes an average of one hour. The surgeon makes intrastromal tunnels with a femtosecond laser at 60 kHz.


The tunnel extends to a depth of 300-350 mm from the surface, with an inner pupillary diameter of 5.5 mm and an outer one of 9.5 mm. The opening of the intralamellar femtosecond tunnel and its widening to reach the limbus is performed with a lamellar dissector. The micronized pigments, color-customized to the patient's choice and tested in the wet lab days before surgery to ensure color adequacy, are then placed into the tunnel with a 27-gauge cannula per incision.

Results : Before /After

What are the operational consequences?

After keratopigmentation, it is recommended that the patient be accompanied once the operation is complete. Drowsiness may be felt and he will not be allowed to drive for 24 hours after surgery.


Keratopigmentation surgery ensures rapid post-operative follow-up and lasting results. Eye color does not return, so patients can enjoy their new eyes for the rest of their lives. Light sensitivity can occur after surgery, but disappears within a few days.

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